Ancestry Detected
Trace your family tree and uncover the stories that make up your history

Welcome to
Ancestry Detected Professional Genealogy Service
My name is Margaret Thomas and I have been researching family history for over 30 years, having traced several of my lines back to the 1500's. I run Family and Local History groups, give talks and produce exhibitions about the families researched.
We offer a professional and expert genealogy service at Ancestry Detected tracing your ancestors anywhere in England, Scotland or Wales back to 1800 and earlier if records allow. A report will be produced with certificates and documents to fill out the picture along with a family tree chart. This information will be used to create a Family History book of your ancestors.
I have a selection of packages starting at £50 for a taster to start
your family's journey.

We are available to undertake research for overseas clients in any English record office. Please contact me for a quote.
New - Memory Book
Do you have photographs, document and stories to tell about older relatives who have passed away or who have a poor memory?
We can compile a book for you to treasure and share with family members. Prices from £200 plus printing cost.
I am able to manage DNA profiles on Ancestry. I have created my own DNA research plan, which can assist in finding elusive ancestors. Initial analysis and profiling over 6 months £200.
NEW - Local area Profiling
Local history information for a village, town or area anywhere in the U.K. Prices from £50.